Kamis, 30 Januari 2025

Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester Genap, Starting, Continuing, and Ending a Conversation in English

Good communication is very important in daily life, especially when talking about interesting topics. In this lesson, students will learn useful phrases to start, continue, and end a conversation. Knowing these expressions will help students speak English more easily and confidently.

To make learning more fun, we will use a conversation about Pandawara Group, a group of young people who care about the environment. They are famous for their innovative activities in cleaning up trash from rivers and beaches. Their efforts have inspired many people to take better care of nature.

Example Conversation

Situation: Anna and Budi are discussing the contributions of Pandawara Group to the environment.

Anna       : Hi Budi! Have you heard about Pandawara Group? (Starting)
Budi        : Oh, hi Anna! Yes, I have. They are an amazing group of young environmental activists.
Anna       : Exactly! They clean up rivers and beaches to help reduce pollution. I think their work is inspiring. What do you think? (Continuing)
Budi        : I totally agree. Without their efforts, many places would still be full of garbage. (Continuing)
Anna       : That’s true. Their dedication has encouraged many people to join their clean-up events. (Continuing)
Budi        : Absolutely! They use social media to spread awareness, and now more people support their movement. (Continuing)
Anna       : *Yes! It shows how young people can make a big difference. Well, I have to go now, but let’s talk more about environmental heroes next time. (Ending)
Budi        : Sure! See you later, Anna. (Ending)

Explanation of Expressions Used

Here are some useful expressions used in the conversation above, categorized by function:

Starting a Conversation:

  • Hi! How are you?
  • Have you heard about…?
  • Can I ask you something?
  • I was wondering if you know about…

Continuing a Conversation:

  • Exactly! I think…
  • That’s interesting. Tell me more!
  • I see your point, and I’d like to add…
  • Oh really? Why do you think so?
  • That reminds me of…

Ending a Conversation:

  • Well, I have to go now.
  • It was nice talking to you.
  • Let’s continue this conversation another time.
  • See you later!


Vocabulary Exercise: Match the words with their meanings.

  1. Activist
  2. Pollution
  3. Awareness
  4. Conservation
  5. Community

a. Protecting natural resources
b. A group of people living together
c. A person who takes action for a cause
d. Understanding or knowledge about something
e. The presence of harmful substances in the environment

Conversation Practice: Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions.

  1. ____! Have you heard about the new environmental program?
  2. That’s a great idea! ____. Can you explain more?
  3. Well, it was nice talking to you. __!

Comprehension Questions: Answer the following questions based on the conversation.

  1. What is Pandawara Group, and what have they done for the environment?
  2. Why does Budi think Pandawara Group’s efforts are important?
  3. How do they encourage more people to join their activities?
  4. How has social media helped Pandawara Group’s movement?
  5. What expressions did Anna and Budi use to start, continue, and end their conversation?

By mastering these expressions, students will be able to hold smooth and engaging conversations in English. Keep practicing and have fun learning!

Learning From Video


Kamis, 23 Januari 2025

Download Sekarang Juga, 300 Kosakata Yang Bisa Bikin Kamu Jago Bahasa Inggris

Menguasai bahasa Inggris, terutama dalam berbicara, membutuhkan pondasi yang kuat berupa kosakata dasar. Kosakata adalah kunci untuk memahami dan menyampaikan ide dengan jelas. Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, ada sejumlah kata yang sering digunakan dan menjadi elemen penting untuk berbicara dengan lancar.

Artikel ini menyajikan daftar kosakata bahasa Inggris yang harus dihafalkan untuk membantu Anda berbicara dengan lebih percaya diri. Mulai dari kata kerja, kata benda di sekitar, kata sifat, hingga kata ganti orang, semuanya dirancang untuk mempermudah Anda meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi. 

Yuk, simak daftar lengkapnya dan mulai langkah awal Anda menuju kefasihan berbahasa Inggris! 😊




Tips Menggunakan E-Book "300 Kosakata yang Membuatmu Mahir Bahasa Inggris"

Setelah mendapatkan e-book ini, kamu punya alat yang pas untuk mulai memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggrismu. Biar tujuanmu untuk mahir berbicara bahasa Inggris tercapai, coba deh ikuti beberapa tips ini:

  1. Belajar Pelan-Pelan
    Nggak usah buru-buru menghafal semua kosakata sekaligus. Fokus aja ke 10–15 kata per hari. Ulang-ulang terus setiap pagi dan sore biar makin nempel di kepala.

  2. Pakai dalam Kalimat
    Jangan cuma hafalin kata-kata doang, tapi coba pakai dalam kalimat. Misalnya, kalau lagi belajar kata "Eat" (makan), bikin kalimat kayak, "I eat lunch at 12 o'clock."

  3. Praktikkan Langsung
    Gunakan kosakata yang udah kamu pelajari dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Kalau nggak ada teman buat latihan, coba ngomong sendiri di depan cermin atau rekam suara kamu.

  4. Gabungkan dengan Aktivitas Seru
    Biar makin seru, coba gunakan kosakata pas nonton film, dengar lagu, atau main game dalam bahasa Inggris. Misalnya, cari kata dari daftar e-book pas nonton film favoritmu.

  5. Bikin Flashcards
    Tulis tiap kosakata di satu sisi kartu dan artinya di sisi lain. Pakai flashcards ini buat latihan sendiri atau ajak teman buat bantu ngecek hafalan kamu.

  6. Ulangi Secara Rutin
    Kosakata yang udah kamu hafalin perlu diulang terus biar nggak gampang lupa. Luangin waktu buat nge-review kata-kata yang udah dipelajari, terutama yang jarang kamu pakai.

  7. Praktik di Dunia Nyata
    Coba cari teman, tutor, atau komunitas belajar bahasa Inggris buat latihan ngomong pake kosakata dari e-book ini. Semakin sering kamu latihan, makin pede deh ngomongnya.

Dengan rutin latihan dan pakai cara yang tepat, e-book ini bakal jadi senjata andalan buat bikin kamu jago ngomong bahasa Inggris. Yuk semangat, kamu pasti bisa! ✨

Rabu, 22 Januari 2025

Job Vacancy Junior Secretary for SMK Fresh Graduates

We’re Hiring! Junior Secretary Position Open

Are you a fresh graduate looking for your first job in office management? Join us as a Junior Secretary and grow your career with our team!

Job Title: Junior Secretary

  • Location: Mojokerto
  • Type: Full-time

What You’ll Do

  • Help schedule meetings and appointments.
  • Write and reply to emails and letters.
  • Keep office files and documents organized.
  • Support the team with daily office tasks.

What We’re Looking For

  • Fresh graduate from SMK in Office Management.
  • Can use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Good at organizing and managing time.
  • Can communicate clearly in writing and speaking.
  • Friendly, professional, and willing to learn.

What We Offer

  • Monthly salary with bonuses.
  • Health benefits and other employee perks.
  • Training and chances to grow your skills.
  • A positive and supportive work environment.

How to Apply

  • Deadline: February 30, 2025
  • Send your application to: HR Team PT. Mayora Citra Utami
  • Email: citrautami@jmail.com
  • Subject Line: Junior Secretary Application

Don’t miss this chance to start your career with us. Apply today!


Comprehension Questions About the Job Vacancy

  1. What is the main responsibility of a Junior Secretary in this job position?
    A. Organizing meetings and appointments
    B. Preparing financial reports
    C. Supervising staff
    D. Developing new office policies

  2. What qualification is required for this job?
    A. Bachelor’s degree in Management
    B. SMK graduate in Office Management
    C. Diploma in Computer Science
    D. High School graduate with experience

  3. Which of the following skills is necessary for the Junior Secretary position?
    A. Advanced programming skills
    B. Knowledge of marketing strategies
    C. Ability to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
    D. Expertise in graphic design

  4. What benefits will the employee receive in this position?
    A. Free housing and transportation
    B. Health benefits and training opportunities
    C. International travel allowance
    D. Paid family vacations

  5. Where should applicants send their job applications, and what should they include in the subject line?
    A. Send to the HR Team, subject line: Application for Manager Position
    B. Send to the HR Team, subject line: Junior Secretary Application
    C. Send to the Marketing Team, subject line: Job Vacancy Application
    D. Send to the IT Department, subject line: Office Management Position

Job Vacancy for Fresh Graduate of SMK Desain Komunikasi Visual

: Creative Graphic Designer

Company: BrightIdeas Media
Location: Yogyakarta

About Us

BrightIdeas Media is a creative agency specializing in branding, digital marketing, and design solutions. We believe in empowering fresh talent to bring innovative ideas to life.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Fresh graduates from Visual Communication Design Vocational School

  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro)

  • Strong creative vision and attention to detail

  • Excellent teamwork and communication skills

  • A portfolio showcasing your best work

What We Offer:
  • Competitive salary and performance bonuses

  • Opportunities to work on exciting projects

  • Fun and collaborative work culture

  • Skill development workshops and training

How to Apply
Send your CV and portfolio to careers@brightideasmedia.com. Don’t forget to tell us why you’re the perfect fit!

Application Deadline: February 18, 2025


  • What qualifications are required for the Creative Graphic Designer position at BrightIdeas Media?
  • Which design software should candidates be proficient in for this role?
  • What benefits does BrightIdeas Media offer to its employees?
  • What documents are required for the application, and where should they be sent?
  • What is the application deadline for this position?
  • Job Vacancy For Quality Control in CV. KASS (Kurnia Alam Sehat)

    Position: Quality Control Specialist

    Company: CV. KASS (Kurnia Alam Sehat)
    Location: Bekasi
    About Us: CV. KASS (Kurnia Alam Sehat) is a leading food manufacturing company known for its dedication to quality and innovation. Join our team and contribute to producing products trusted by millions.

    What We’re Looking For:

    • Fresh graduates from Industrial Chemical Engineering Vocational School

    • Knowledge of quality control processes and food safety standards

    • Detail-oriented with strong problem-solving skills

    • Willingness to work in shifts

    What We Offer:

    • Competitive salary and benefits

    • Comprehensive training and mentoring programs

    • Health insurance and transportation allowance

    • Opportunities for career growth

    How to Apply:

    Submit your resume to hr@kurniaalami.com with the subject line "Quality Control Application." Show us why you’re passionate about quality!

    Application Deadline: February 25, 2024


    Based on the Quality Control Specialist job vacancy at CV. KASS:

    1. What skills and qualifications are required for this position?
    2. What kind of training does the company provide?
    3. What is the deadline to submit the application?
    4. How should applicants apply for this position?
    5. Why might the company emphasize innovation and quality in their job advertisement?

    Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMK-SMA Kurikulum Merdeka : Getting a Job for Vocational School Fresh Graduates

    Finding your first job after graduating from vocational school can be both exciting and challenging. As fresh graduates, you need to explore job opportunities that match your skills and qualifications. 

    Understanding job vacancies and how to interpret them is an essential step in starting your career. This lesson will guide you through job vacancies, vocabulary commonly used in job advertisements, and practice questions to enhance your comprehension.

    Examples of Job Vacancies

    1. Office Administration (Manajemen Perkantoran)

    2. Visual Communication Design (Desain Komunikasi Visual)

    3. Industrial Chemical Engineering (Teknik Kimia Industri)


    Common Vocabulary in Job Vacancies

    • Position: The role or job title.

    • Requirements: Qualifications or skills needed for the job.

    • Benefits: Advantages provided by the company (e.g., salary, insurance).

    • Responsibilities: Tasks or duties for the position.

    • Deadline: The last date to submit an application.

    • Proficient: Skilled or competent in a specific area.

    • Portfolio: A collection of work samples to showcase skills.

    • Allowance: Additional money for specific purposes (e.g., transportation).

    • Shift: A work schedule, such as day or night shifts.

    • Advancement: Opportunities to grow in a career.

    Reading Comprehension Questions

    Based on the Administrative Assistant job vacancy:

    1. What skills are required for the Administrative Assistant position?

    2. What is the application deadline for the job?

    3. List two benefits offered by PT Global Office Solutions.

    Based on the Junior Graphic Designer job vacancy:

    1. Which software skills are required for the Junior Graphic Designer position?

    2. Why do you think a portfolio is required for this job?

    3. Where is Kreativa Studio located?

    Based on the Lab Technician job vacancy:

    1. What skills are required for the job Lab Technician as mentioned in the job vacancy?

    2. Does the company offer transportation allowance for the Lab Technician position?

    3. What qualifications should applicants have for this job?

    This material is designed to help you better understand job vacancies and prepare for your future career. By practicing reading job advertisements, you can improve your ability to identify key information and apply for jobs effectively.

    Go to the next Job Vacancy : 

    Job Vacancy for Manajemen Perkantoran

    Senin, 13 Januari 2025

    Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK Kurikulum Merdeka, "Indonesian Environmental Figures"


    Indonesia faces many environmental problems such as deforestation, pollution, and long droughts. These issues harm nature and affect people's lives. To solve these challenges, many environmental heroes have emerged. They work hard to protect the environment and inspire others to do the same.

    Figures like Mbah Sadiman, the Pandawara Group, Suswaningsih, and Darmawan Denassa have made significant contributions to preserving nature. Let’s learn about Mbah Sadiman, a dedicated tree planter from Wonogiri who has helped restore green forests and clean water for his village.


    Mbah Sadiman: The Environment Hero of Wonogiri

    Mbah Sadiman is an environmental hero from Wonogiri, Central Java. He started planting trees on dry hills near his village to solve a serious problem: a long drought. The deforestation in the area made it difficult for people to get clean water.

    To reforest the land, Mbah Sadiman planted thousands of banyan trees, which help retain water in the soil. However, getting tree seedlings was not easy. 

    The price of  tree seeds was very expensive, but Mbah Sadiman worked hard to obtain them despite the challenges. He believed that his efforts would bring great benefits to his village.

    For over 20 years, Mbah Sadiman never gave up on his mission to make the land green again. His dedication restored clean water for the community and brought life back to the hills. 

    Because of his hard work and determination to protect nature, he was honored with the Kick Andy Heroes Award in 2016.

    Learning From Video 


  • Deforestation – The removal of trees in a forest
  • Drought – A long period without rain
  • Environment – The natural world around us
  • Seedling – A young tree or plant
  • Award – A prize given for special achievements
  • Reforest – To plant trees again in an area where the forest was removed
  • Barren – Land that is too poor to produce plants or trees
  • Dedication – Strong commitment to a task or cause
  • Restore – To bring something back to its original condition
  • Community – A group of people living in the same place or sharing common

  • Comprehension Questions

    1. Why did Mbah Sadiman start planting trees?
    2. What difficulties did Mbah Sadiman face when getting tree seedlings?
    3. How did Mbah Sadiman’s work help the village?
    4. What award did Mbah Sadiman receive in 2016?
    5. How long has Mbah Sadiman been planting trees?

    True or False:
    Decide if the statements are true or false based on the reading.
    a. Mbah Sadiman planted trees to prevent floods.
    b. He planted banyan and ficus trees because they help hold water in the soil.
    c. It was easy for Mbah Sadiman to get teak tree seeds.
    d. The deforestation problem did not affect the village’s water supply.
    e. Mbah Sadiman received the Kick Andy Heroes Award in 2016

    Fill in the Blanks:
    Complete the sentences using words from the vocabulary list.
    a. The long ______ made it difficult for the village to get clean water.
    b. Mbah Sadiman worked hard to ______ the forest by planting new trees.
    c. The land was dry and ______ before the reforestation project.
    d. His strong ______ helped him continue planting trees for over 20 years.
    e. The ______ was happy to have clean water again.