Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Digital Literacy. "Tell About Yourself And Post It"

Social media platforms like Facebook are great places to meet new people and stay connected with friends. One of the first steps to starting a conversation online is by introducing yourself. This helps others know who you are, what you enjoy, and what you are currently doing. 

Creating a simple self-introduction is a useful way to practice your English writing and speaking skills while also making new friends. In this worksheet, we'll learn how to write a basic self-introduction that you can use on social media.


  1. Read the sample Facebook post below carefully.
  2. Answer the questions based on the information provided in the post.
  3. Write your own self-introduction post using the format given.


  1. What is Martasya Eka's field of study?
    a) Official Administration
    b) Photography
    c) Hiking
    d) Coffee Shops
  2. How old is Martasya ?
    a) 20 years old
    b) 21 years old
    c) 22 years old
    d) 23 years old
  3. Where is Martasya studying?
    a) Photography School
    b) Official Administration School
    c) Vocational School of Muhammadiyah 2 Gresik
    d) University of Muhammadiyah Gresik
  4. Which hobby does Martasya NOT mention?
    a) Photography
    b) Hiking
    c) Painting
    d) Discovering new coffee shops
  5. What does Martasya encourage others to do?
    a) Follow her on Instagram
    b) Send her a message or leave a comment
    c) Share her post
    d) Like her post

Your Task:

Write your own self-introduction post for Facebook.

  • Include your name, age, and what you are currently doing (studying, working, etc.).
  • Mention at least two hobbies or interests.
  • Invite others to connect or ask a question to engage with them.
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Materi Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas XI, Digital Literacy

Kosakata Populer di Dunia Media Sosial

 Media sosial telah menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Di era digital ini, platform seperti Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, dan TikTok bukan hanya tempat untuk berinteraksi dengan teman dan keluarga, tetapi juga sarana untuk mengekspresikan diri, berbagi informasi, dan mengikuti tren terkini. 

Namun, untuk benar-benar memahami dan berpartisipasi dalam percakapan di media sosial, kita perlu menguasai sejumlah kosakata dan frasa yang sering digunakan.

Berikut adalah beberapa kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang sering muncul di dunia media sosial, yang penting untuk kita ketahui:

 1. Post

    "I just posted a picture of my trip to Bali on Instagram."

  2. Like

   "I liked your post about the environment."

  3. Share

    "Can you share that funny video with me?"

  4. Follow

   "I followed my favorite artist on Twitter."

 5. Trending

  "The new song is trending on TikTok right now."

  6. Comment

  "I left a comment on your latest blog post."

  7. DM (Direct Message)

   "Send me a DM if you have any questions."

  8. Hashtag

   "Use the hashtag travel for your vacation pictures."

  9. Viral

   "The video of the dancing dog went viral overnight."

  10. Story

  "I posted a story of my coffee this morning."


Untuk lebih memahami kosakata di atas, coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk memberikan definisi dari istilah-istilah di atas.

  • Post
    a) A place where people go to eat
    b) A message or content shared on social media
    c) A type of email
    d) A location on a map

  • Like
    a) A button to show that you enjoy something
    b) A way to send a private message
    c) A method to save a picture
    d) A tool for editing videos

  • Share
    a) To delete content from your profile
    b) To upload a new profile picture
    c) To pass on content to others on social media
    d) To write a comment on a post

  • Follow
    a) To watch a video online
    b) To listen to music on your phone
    c) To subscribe to someone's updates on social media
    d) To send a message to someone

  • Trending
    a) Something that is out of date
    b) A topic that is currently popular on social media
    c) A type of photo filter
    d) A notification for a new message

  • Comment
    a) A message sent in private
    b) A reply or response to a social media post
    c) A type of media file
    d) A new social media platform

  • DM (Direct Message)
    a) A public post that everyone can see
    b) A private message sent directly to someone
    c) A photo with a filter
    d) A live video broadcast

  • Hashtag
    a) A popular video
    b) A group of online friends
    c) A word or phrase starting with "#" used to categorize content
    d) A type of online game

  • Viral
    a) Content that spreads quickly and widely on the internet
    b) A way to delete an old post
    c) A new trend in fashion
    d) A type of online quiz

  • Story
    a) A long article on a website
    b) A short video or photo that disappears after 24 hours
    c) A type of online book
    d) A new friend on social media

  • Dengan memahami kosakata ini, kita tidak hanya akan lebih mudah berinteraksi di media sosial, tetapi juga bisa meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kita secara keseluruhan. Kosakata ini mencerminkan bagaimana teknologi dan budaya digital telah mempengaruhi bahasa yang kita gunakan sehari-hari.

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